Guidance for innovation processes
At Deltares, we understand that innovation goes beyond technical expertise. Our experts actively think along with you to determine the added value your innovation offers. Whether this involves transforming an idea into a concrete product or service, or realising the hidden potential behind a concept. We also take a critical look at possible obstacles to a successful innovation. Consider, for instance, existing laws and regulations, uncertain market demand, competition, technical shortcomings and finding financing for the innovation.
Broad view of innovation trajectories
Our experience makes us particularly suited to guide you in exploring innovation paths. We think along with you about which grants you might be able to submit and draw your attention to the important aspects you need to consider.
We make sure you understand the possibilities and help you make informed decisions. We offer not only the expertise you need, but also a partnership you can rely on. Together, we can navigate through the complex landscape of Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO)* schemes and find the best possible support for your project or initiative.
How does it work?
How does Deltares' guidance for innovation projects work? We use a 3-step approach:
Step 1: Intake
An SME or start-up contacts us for guidance in an innovation process. Deltares assesses whether the request fits within Deltares' fields of expertise and whether sufficient capacity is available to start a guidance process. The contribution of the innovation to social goals (e.g. sustainability) also plays a part in the consideration.
Step 2: Expert phase
Deltares puts together an expert team; depending on the question, the right experts are asked for this. The SME company (or startup) is invited to present the innovation. Then a joint work is done to identify strengths/weaknesses and opportunities/threats. This session also discusses whether, and if so in what form, further support is needed.
Step 3: Coaching
If further support is decided upon, the SME (or startup) is assigned a fixed contact person within Deltares (the coach) and the coaching of the innovation process starts.
* The Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO) is a Dutch government organisation that falls under the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate. RVO aims to promote sustainability, innovation and international entrepreneurship among Dutch companies and institutions.