About Anna Spinosa
Anna is an environmental engineer, specialised in inland and coastal water quality and ecosystem health monitoring. Her work focuses on integrated monitoring approaches, combining data-driven remote sensing with monitoring and numerical model data. Pursuing a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics at the Technical University of Delft, Anna specialises in the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to provide precise and timely information, securing quality and quantity of water resources and healthy ecosystems.
At Deltares, Anna has successfully led and contributed to several research and consultancy projects, including international projects for the European Commission and the European Space Agency. At Deltares, Anna enjoys working on interdisciplinary projects and international teams, effectively bridging the gap between technology and end-users. To promote multidisciplinary collaboration and address major challenges such as ecosystem recovery and climate change, Anna collaborates with international communities, including the Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON), and the Water Youth Network (WYN). She also coordinated the GEO AquaWatch group at Deltares.