About Anne de Beer

Anne de Beer has joined Deltares in 2023, where she works on projects related to coastal morphology and coastal management. She has experience in specialist consultancy and research projects in this field and participated in national and international projects related to coastal (dune) erosion, shoreline evolution and nourishment impact and behavior.

Part of her work comprises of the use and development of state-of-the-art numerical modelling systems. For example, she is involved in the development of and knowledge development for the XBeach numerical model, which is being implemented as the core of the Dutch national storm impact assessment method. Also, Anne is involved in the ShorelineS TKI projects, where the ShorelineS model for predicting coastline evolution on a decadal timescale is further developed.

Working experience

  1. Deltares

    Researcher/advisor coastal morphodynamics

    2023 - Present
  2. Royal HaskoningDHV

    Coastal Engineer

    2018 -2023

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