About Antonio Moreno Rodenas

Dr. A.M. Moreno-Rodenas is a specialist in environmental hydraulics. He is positioned in the Harbour, Coastal and Offshore Engineering department, part of the Hydraulic engineering Unit. Most of his work involves the use of image processing and data assimilation algorithms to improve observations/predictions in marine, coastal, and inland water environments. He also works in the development of novel techniques for monitoring processes in environmental engineering and urban drainage.

In 2019, Antonio defended his doctoral thesis Cum Laude at the Delft University of Technology, where he conducted research on the quantification and treatment of uncertainties in large-scale water quality models. This research was done within QUICS, an EU wide consortium (Marie Sklodowska-Curie action) aiming to improve the performance and understanding of large-scale urban-WWTP-river modeling applications.

At Deltares, his main interests involve the use of computer vision, applied robotics, and machine learning techniques to observe and gain further knowledge of hydraulic/environmental processes at laboratory and field scale. This includes the use of satellite imagery and automated routines for coastal and bathymetry observations, the use of automated camera systems to monitor water quality processes (e.g. pollutants, plastics, or extraneous floating materials) and the development of optical flow measurement strategies.

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