About Cor Zwanenburg

Dr ir Cor Zwanenburg is an expert in the field of soft soil engineering. Focus has been on soft soil problems related to embankments and landfills, like stability, settlement, consolidation and creep. Fields of special interest are parameter assessment by laboratory testing or field measurements and their relation to calculation techniques. During 2001-2005, he wrote his PhD thesis at TUDelft on consolidation behaviour of peat.

In recent years Cor Zwanenburg has been involved in both research and consultancy projects. In research projects Cor has an interest in experimental work, like full scale failure experiments, for example the Ijkdijk and Bergambacht project, as well as in centrifuge testing and laboratory testing. In consultancy projects Cor has been involved in several second opinions regarding stability or settlement related problems. In the period 2008 – 2012 Cor Zwanenburg has been lecturing the topic Embankment on Soft Soil at TUDelft.

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