About Etiënne Kras

Ir. Etiënne Kras graduated Cum Laude from the TU Delft as a Hydraulic Engineer with a specialisation in Coastal Engineering. Since then, he has been working as a consultant / researcher at the Resilient Ports and Coasts department of Deltares for 4 years. His main occupation focusses on bringing Earth Observation applications into the Coastal Engineering practice, but he is also actively contributing to the Digital Transformation within Deltares. Areas of expertise include coastal and climate change assessments and vulnerability studies, seabed morphology as well as big data analytics and Machine Learning.

He has an active role in EMODnet, both the Bathymetry and Geology lots, and steered the development of products delivered within the JIP CALM and RWS SDB projects. Besides, he is Product Owner of the web platform currently being developed within the Horizon 2020 EU Project CoCliCo and manages the internal Shoreline Monitor developments.

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