About Eveline van der Deijl

Dr Eveline van der Deijl is a consultant and researcher on rivers. She studied physical geography at Utrecht University, where she gained extensive experience in the hydrodynamics and morphodynamics of freshwater wetlands and lowland rivers. During her PhD research, she studied factors influencing the sediment budget and the sediment-trapping-efficiency in newly developed wetlands in the freshwater micro-tidal river system of the Brabant Biesbosch.

Eveline van der Deijl: "Not only the presence and renewed supply of sufficient fine sediment, but also the conditions for long-term retention of this sediment are crucial for the effectiveness of delta restoration using sedimentation."

Since 2018, Eveline has been working at Deltares as a consultant and researcher of rivers. Eveline integrates her knowledge of water and sediment transport with policymaking. She visits the river to observe and measure. Furthermore, she develops 2D hydrodynamic models. Eveline is interested in how rivers can be regulated in a lasting and sustainable way, making educated decisions for management and not forgetting their natural character. The role of natural processes and solutions for restoration are considered important in this regard.

Eveline works mainly on integral studies in the Dutch river system. Within the Integral River Management (IRM) programme, she mapped riverbed requirements for various functions provided by Dutch rivers. She also investigates natural processes and the human impact of previous measures. An integrated approach allows for trade-offs and conscious choices for future river management.

Eveline is system expert for the Dutch section of the Meuse and has been involved in several emergency advices for this river in 2023. She is also involved in setting up and testing innovations and pilot-studies in the IJssel, Nederrijn and Lek rivers as part of the Self-Supporting River System learning space.

Work experience and projects:

  • Models Applications and Data (MAD) - Hydraulic schematisations - Meuse
  • Integrated River Management
  • Danube4all
  • Emergency advice on weirs in the Meuse (2023)
  • Factual report on the failure of the Bosscherveld spillway
  • Guest lecturer for Stichting Planeet in Actie
  • Four ways to save deltas from sea level rise

See Researchgate for publications.


  1. Researchgate

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