About Joost Delsman

Dr. Joost Delsman is an expert in the field of freshwater resources management. He focuses on groundwater – surface water interactions in coastal lowlands. Improving management of the adverse effects of salinisation of surface water is a key part of his work, as is the development of innovative solutions to improve local freshwater supply. Recent work includes assessing the long-term effects of sea level rise on groundwater salinity in the Netherlands using his developed national-scale groundwater salinity model.

He has worked on projects ranging from large scale groundwater and surface water modelling for regional to national policy consulting, to field scale process understanding through integration of measurements and modelling. In addition, dr. Delsman has also developed several innovative tools to facilitate stakeholder process understanding. He is currently involved in a number of international research projects, to develop operational freshwater management, to measure groundwater salinity using airborne geophysics, and to use late Pleistocene and Holocene landscape evolution to derive groundwater salinity in data-scarce areas.

Joost supervises MSc and PhD students, presents his work internationally and publishes in peer-reviewed journals.

Working experience

  1. Deltares, Unit Subsurface and Groundwater Systems

    Hydrologist, researcher freshwater management

    2008 - present
  2. Department of Life and Earth Sciences at VU University Amsterdam

    PhD researcher groundwater – surface water interactions in coastal lowlands

    2010 - 2015
  3. Rijkswaterstaat, Rijksinstituut voor Integraal Zoetwaterbeheer en Afvalwaterbehandeling


    2003 - 2008

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