About Jort de Vries
Jort de Vries contributes to Deltares’ mission by understanding and contributing knowledge processes and how knowledge can affect physical space. His expertise lies in understanding, facilitating and designing knowledge processes for spatial governance. Understanding the spatial, socio-economic, physical, and political context as well as the different perspectives of stakeholders, disciplines, and sectors is extremely important. As such, Jort often works with co-creative methods and processes and employs in-depth methods to better understand and align societal, academic, and policy perspectives, to help ensure that knowledge is produced and used as efficiently and effectively as possible.
At the faculty of spatial sciences at the University of Groningen, Jort studies knowledge processes in his PhD research. He also teaches several courses on water management and organises guest lectures about ocean governance.
- Greater North-Sea Basin Initiative (GNSBI)
- ECosystem-based Adaptive MAnagement for REnewable energy in a sustainable North Sea (ECOAMARE)
- Effects of offshore wind on the marine ecology
- NL2120
- Self-Sustaining River systems
- Spatial Planning and Design with Soils (SPADES)
Making knowledge matter: Understanding and improving knowledge-integration in Dutch marine spatial planning policy. Ocean and Coastal Management, 248, Article 106928
de Vries, J. W., Spijkerboer, R. C., & Zuidema, C. (2024)Risks for Knowledge-Uptake in Dutch Marine Spatial Planning: Incompatibilities Between Research and Policy-Making
In F. Matos, & A. Rosa (Eds.), Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Knowledge Management, ECKM 2023 (pp. 302-309). (Proceedings of the European Conference on Knowledge Management, ECKM; Vol. 1). Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited.
de Vries, J., Spijkerboer, R., & Zuidema, C. (2023)Knowledge Management Dynamics in Offshore Wind Farms in the Netherlands. In F. Matos, & A. Rosa (Eds.), Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Knowledge Management (pp. 1440-1445). (Proceedings of the European Conference on Knowledge Management, ECKM; Vol. 24, No. 2). Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited
Vreugdenhil, H., Ellen, G. J., & de Vries, J. (2023)