About Kees Sloff
Dr. Sloff is a project engineer and researcher in the field of river engineering. He is an expert in river, delta and estuary hydrology, morphology, sediment transport, as well as modeling techniques and mathematical-modeling. Dr. Sloff has been involved and in charge of projects on various types of rivers worldwide, ranging from steep mountain rivers to flat lowland rivers and river delta’s, and the different categories of technical and management problems associated with these types. Dr. Sloff is responsible for the development, support and maintenance of the 1-D, 2-D and 3-D morphological modeling systems of Deltares, and is in charge of the river-engineering R&D program. Dr. Sloff also holds the position of Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences at the Delft University, contributing to research and educational activities in the river engineering group. Dr. Sloff has published more than 50 scientific publications, of which 30 in peer-reviewed conference publications and scientific journals, since 1990.
Working experience
Specialist river engineering and fluvial morphology
2009 - presentDelft University of Technology
Assistant Professor river engineering and fluvial morphology
2001 - presentDelft Hydraulics
Senior advisor and researcher river engineering
1995 - 2008Delft University of Technology
Researcher reservoir sedimentation
1990 - 1995