About Kelbij Star

Kelbij Star is an applied physicist working as a Consultant & Researcher mainly on the design, control and optimization of various hydraulic systems. She is the team lead of the Hydraulics of Pipeline Systems (HOPS) team.

Kelbij holds a PhD on reduced order modeling methods for incompressible flows with heat transfer from the University of Ghent, Belgium (2021). Her master from Delft University of Technology (2016) was focused on transport phenomena and fluid flow for which she conducted Particle Image velocimetry (PIV) and pressure measurements in a liquid-liquid cyclone separator. In between her studies she worked in the industry for a year.

At Deltares she works mainly on solutions for resilient transport and urban infrastructure such as drinking water distribution systems and heating networks. She provides specialized advice, carries out research projects and gives courses. She is also one of our developers of WANDA, our advanced water hammer software. Her interest is in (real-time) monitoring, simulation and anomaly detection techniques.

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