About Kymo Slager

Dr.ir. Kymo Slager is an expert in the field of flood risk mapping and impact modelling, and as such involved in several (inter-)national largescale flood risk projects. In the Netherlands, he is involved as mapping expert for the cyclic national implementation of the European Flood Directive. Further, he played an major role in providing the analytical base for the Dutch Deltaprogramme on dyke safety norms (Local individual risk – ‘basisveiligheid’) and in providing national flood hazard information for implementation of the Multi-Layer safety approach. Last years, he is mainly involved in developing an updated and improved method and software for national flood damage assessment in the Netherlands.

Due to his scientific and technical background on the one hand, and substantial project experience with participatory and interactive planning on the other, he is able to provide a bridge between different expertises as professional planners, policymakers, experts, researchers and software developers. He is a Deltares R&D coordinator on methods and tools for participatory spatial planning processes and leads several developments and applications of participatory planning support tools in (inter-)national projects.

Working experience

  1. Deltares

    advisor and researcher

  2. Technical University Eindhoven

    PhD Student

  3. Nieuwland Geo-informatie

    consultant Geo-information


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