About Meindert Van

Dr. Meindert Van's present position is Expertise Manager Dyke Technology at Deltares. Previous positions have been director knowledge and head of the research department of GeoDelft.

He has over 20 years experience in geotechnical projects and is more than 10 years responsible for the Dutch geotechnical research for Dyke technology. He has been involved in crisis teams of recent dyke failures and evacuations: Woltersum, Wilnis and Stein. He initiated many research projects in The Netherlands i.e. the IJkdijk-project and Flood Control 2015 project as well as in several international projects. He has been member of three Dutch official visits after New Orleans Flood and was leading the geotechnical part of the Dutch perspective for New Orleans. He is member of several national and international committees, scientific coordinator of the European FloodProBE project and chairman of TC201 ‘dykes and levees’ of the ISSMGE. Recently he initiated a cooperation with USACE-ERDC and RPI for a DHS-grant project on smart levees. He published over fifty papers, three books and received two Dutch geotechnical awards.

Working experience

  1. Deltares

    Expertise Manager Dyke Technology.

    2008 - present
  2. GeoDelft

    Director Knowledge, Scientific Board Member.

    2004 - 2007
  3. GeoDelft

    Head of Strategic Research department.

    2002 - 2003
  4. GeoDelft

    Product Manager Development at the department of Earth Structures.

    1998 - 2001
  5. GeoDelft

    Project leader and senior consultant at the department of Earth Structures.

    1990 - 1997
  6. GeoDelft

    Project leader at the department Fundamental Research.

  7. Dutch Railways Utrecht

    Apprenticeship, master thesis and employee, department Concrete Structures.

    1987 - 1988
  8. Delft University of technology

    Computational teacher at faculty of Civil Engineering

    1986 - 1987

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