About Noor ten Harmsen van der Beek

Noor has been working at Deltares since 2021. Before joining Deltares, she obtained a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering and a master’s degree in Hydraulic Engineering (with a specialization in Environmental Fluid Mechanics) from Delft University of Technology.

In her work, she focuses on the relation of climate adaptation and long-term developments with infrastructure, with for example method development around adaptation pathways.

She is also involved in the Knowledge Program for Hydraulic Structures (www.nattekunstwerkenvandetoekomst.nl). Within this program, she has worked on a method to assess options for replacement and renovation, including detailing the necessary steps. For example, she has worked on quantifying the functional performance of hydraulic structures for various functions. Her work thus contributes to the Deltares moonshots Livable Deltas and Resilient Infrastructure.

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