About Thaiënne van Dijk
Thaiënne van Dijk is an expert in Marine Systems, especially in the fields of offshore morphology and sea-bed morphodynamics, with a focus on tidal sand waves. She expanded her research to the fluvial environment, focussing on river dunes. Thaiënne carries out multi-disciplinary (applied) research projects to advise Dutch Ministries and offshore engineers on shipping safety, monitoring policies, site conditions and environmental impact. Investigations in eco-morphodynamics examine the interrelationships between morphology, morphodynamics, hydrodynamics and sand transport at the seabed on the one hand and benthos zoography and Holocene substrate composition on the other, using sidescan sonar images, multibeam echo sounding (bathymetry and backscatter), sediment cores and zoobenthic samples.
Key research subjects:
- Marine Systems, sea-bed morphodynamics, offshore, tidal sand waves, continental shelves, hydrography
- Fluvial bedforms, morphodynamics of river dunes
- Biogeomorphology, eco-morphodynamics, marine habitat mapping
- Geophysical techniques: interpretation of seismic, side-scan and multi-beam sonar and ground penetrating radar data, sea-bed sediment mapping using multibeam backscatter
- Quaternary Geology, mapping, stratigraphy
- Glaciofluvial sedimentology associated with extreme floods (jökulhlaups and surge-induced floods); glaciology and hydrology of surge-type glaciers; modern and ancient glaciated landscapes; land systems