About Tiaravanni Hermawan
“I believe in turning complex data and models into actionable insights that can save lives”
Tiaravanni Hermawan is a flood and drought risk specialist. With more than 10 years' experience in both detailed numerical and integrated modeling, Tiaravanni has developed decision support tools that transform these models and data into (socio-economic) risk indicators for policy makers. Over her career, she has contributed to projects in over 25 countries. Her work has played a role in national water resources planning for transboundary deltas, from the floodplains of Bangladesh to the drought-prone regions of Egypt. In addition she has been involved in long-term projects across diverse environments in Europe (including the Netherlands, Spain, and Greece), Southeast Asia (Myanmar and Indonesia), and Africa (South Africa).
Central to her work are:
- Decision Support Tools, to enable policymakers to make informed decisions based on evidence-driven model and data
- Collaborative Modeling: to facilitate team works among diverse stakeholders in hazard and risk modeling for floods and droughts
- Machine learning and Nexus approaches to assess the impact of integrated and inclusive water management strategies
Work experience/projects
- [Egypt] Joint Cooperation on Applied Research on Assessing the Impacts of Irrigation Improvements and Innovations (A4I)
- [Egypt] Machine Learning to Predict Impact of Drought Mitigation on Gender Wage Equality (xxx)
- [Netherlands] Joint Cooperation program for Applied scientific Research on Extreme Rainfall Statistics
- [South Africa] Critical connections between agricultural water management and human health, using a water-energy-food (WEF) nexus approach in South Africa (CONNEXION)
- [Greece] H2020 REXUS Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem Nexus Thinking to Nexus Doing
- [Bangladesh] Joint Cooperation Program – Integrated Impact Assessment of the Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100 using Decision Support Tools Metamodel
- [Netherlands] National Delta Program
- [Spain] H2020 NAIAD NAture Insurance value: Assessment and Demonstration: Nature Based Solutions and Nature Insurance Values
- [Philippines] Predicting typhoon damage with machine learning
- [Nigeria] Mitigating Floods in IDP Camps: Northern Nigeria
- [Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia] Compounding Flood Risk analysis for Southeast Asia Disaster Risk Insurance Facility for compounding flood risk
- [Indonesia] Reservoir hydro-economic optimisation for energy and irrigation in Citarum basin