LAC: Financing Framework for Water Security
To close the current gap between strategic adaptive planning for water security and the investment planning phases, we have developed the Financing Framework for Water Security. We have demonstrated the use of this approach in Latin America (Mexico and Ecuador).
The FFWS is a collaborative deal origination and project preparation approach that enables effective cooperation between the project delivery and finance community and the water resources and watershed conservation communities of practice to convert water security strategies into investable propositions. The process enables the development of strategic investment pathways that making use of a blended finance approach leverage greater private sector participation and investments in achieving water security and climate adaptation.
We have demonstrated the use of this approach in Latin America (Mexico and Ecuador). The approach is starting to be applied in the Dry Corridor in Central America in cooperation with the Organization of American States and the Global Environment Facility and in Peru as part of the Valuing Water Initiative of the Government of the Netherlands.
The FFWS guides actors in the planning process through the various stages of building a paradigm shifting investment program and a clear Theory of Change towards a win-win situation for economy and environment. The result is a water security strategy worked out into a phased investment portfolio in which the most promising clusters of projects are developed into deals that are attractive for public and/or private investors.

Examples of our recent work
Valuing Water Journey (Peru)
Developing a strategy for systemic change for the true value of water and water risks to be internalized in public and private investment decisions. Driving in the economic development paradigm of Peru towards a win-win model for economy and environment that ensures truly sustainable and resilient economic growth and development. Development of strategic plan for water security for the Chancay-Lambayeque basin and early private sector involvement to leverage private financing in watershed conservation. Contact person: Monica Altamirano.
Resilient Oaxaca: developing urban resilience investment projects for Oaxaca de Juarez (Mexico)
Training on the Financing Framework for Water Security and investment planning techniques for Oaxaca Secretary of Infrastructure; identifying of business opportunities for public-private collaboration. Contact person: Monica Altamirano.
OECD Water Policy Dialogues (Argentina)
Peer reviewer for the Netherlands on water financing and Water Resources Management. Providing best practices on water financing and institutional arrangements and supporting the OECD team with the interviews with actors from the public, private, academic, and not for profit sectors. Contact person: Monica Altamirano.