The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia can take advantage of the acquired WFD experience from old or more recent EU member countries to implement the WFD and among others develop River Basin Management plans.

The components that are being addressed are the following:

  1. Strengthening the water permitting system
  2. Drafting relevant secondary legislation to ensure the implementation of the EU water acquis
  3. Strengthening the national water monitoring system
  4. Finalizing the Vardar River Basin management Plan (VRBMP) and related program of measures.
  5. Strengthening the administrative capacity for water management

Deltares is coordinating the component of the finalizing of the Vardar River Basin management Plan and providing relevant expertise for the other components.

The main beneficiary and coordinator of the Twinning project is the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning who is responsible for the implementation of the environmental legislation in Macedonia.

The project implementation is coordinated by the Umweltbundesamt from Austria. From the Lithuanian side, the Ministry of Environment is involved.

The Dutch organisations involved are:

National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Deltares, Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment (NCEA), Netherlands Enterprise Agency

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