Innovative approaches in operational flood management : risk-based forecasting and application of social media in disaster response
Author(s) |
D.M. Eilander
D. Bachmann
P.J.A. Gijsbers
A. van Loenen
Publication type | Article
An integrative disaster management approach consists of four different phases: mitigation, preparation, response and recovery. Adequate information for decision support during all phases is a key to strengthen resilience against flooding. During the preparation phase forecasted information about the event can help to prepare and take adequate and effective emergency response measures. During the response phases reliable
information about the situation on the ground is crucial for the allocation of affected areas and people. This paper presents two innovative approaches to generate such information. The first approach extends existing flood forecasting systems with elements of strategic flood risk analysis, such as probabilistic failure analysis, two dimensional flood spreading simulation and the analysis of flood impacts and consequences. With the help of this information emergency measures at the flood defence line (e.g. temporally dike strengthening) and within the protected area (e.g. evacuation of people) can be operationally planned, adapted and triggered. The second approach exploits observed information shared via social medias (e.g. Twitter) about the physical characteristics of floods, such as flood depth and the location. These observations are used in combination with a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) to derive flood extent in realtime during the response phase. An overview of the current situation gets available. A
coordination of emergency measures is supported.