Life Cycle Analysis for four different ground improvement techniques
Author(s) |
J.W.M. Salemans
M. Blauw
Publication type | Report Deltares
BioGrout is a method developed by SmartSoils Deltares to strengthen soil. It is based on Microbial In situ Calcite Precipitation (MICP). BioGrout 1st generation, using the ureaseenzyme, was developed in 2004. In 2008 the development of 2nd generation BioGrout, basedon denitrification, was started. A Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) of the two BioGrout methods was produced, in order to determine their environmental impact and to investigate which steps in the process have the highest impact and should be improved. Also an LCA is made of two traditional ground improvement techniques (gel injection and jet grouting) in order to compare the two new methods with the traditional methods.