Development of a new European platform on climate services for coastal risks and adaptation
With sea level rise as a given for centuries to come, the potential impacts of future coastal flooding are a major source of concern for Europe. A new European research project on regional sea level rise trends and its coastal impacts, the Coastal Climate Core Service (CoCliCo) project, started this month. Deltares will play a major role in the design and operation of a webportal to collect and analyse information on sea level rise, coastal dynamics, flooding and socio-economic impacts of historic and future sea level trends.

Exploring shoreline dynamics
The CoCliCo project is a Horizon Europe project, led by Goneri le Cozannet (BRGM). Besides the development of a webportal, Deltares is also involved in defining coastal typologies and exploring shoreline dynamics for a range of sea level rise scenarios. Rijkswaterstaat is also involved, as a member in the project’s stakeholder board. In Europe, concentrations of socio-economic activities and infrastructure are located close to shorelines or in low-lying areas. Targeted coastal climate services and platforms available today have successfully addressed the need to raise awareness on mitigation.
About the CoCliCo project
The Coastal Climate Core Service (CoCliCo) project aims at informing decision-making on coastal risk and adaptation, by delivering an open web-platform exploring dominant risk drivers, interactive visualisation and analysis techniques to local decision contexts, and combining relevant and high-quality geospatial information layers. Through the platform, users will be able to visualize, download and analyse multiple decision-oriented coastal risk scenarios relevant to the rich user narratives of our Demonstration Case Studies addressing the three needs raised above.
Bart van den Hurk (project leader Deltares): "A common platform for exploring sea level rise challenges and options is crucial to find solutions that have a broad support by all stakeholders, including policy makers, citizens and scientists.”
Organizations and scholars with proven track records
To meet this challenge, CoCliCo brings together European organizations and scholars that have proven track records of delivering broad-scale coastal risk and adaptation assessment, as well as leading research and technologies in interoperable geospatial data management, decision sciences and risk communication.
This project started on 1 September 2021 and will end on 1 September 2025.
Partners: VU IVM, Global Climate Forum (Jochem Hinkel), Mercator (Angelique Melet), Robert Nicholls et al.