DAM (Dike strength Analysis Module) is a software package for the automated calculation of the strength of dikes. DAM was developed by Deltares with and for STOWA for all water authorities.

DAM is used to calculate the strength (now and in the future) of primary and regional dikes, for example the purposes of assessing regional dikes and drawing up ledgers. There are four distinct stages in the analysis of dike strength. These stages are always completed, regardless of the type of question.

Dike strength analysis model DAM
  • The first stage involves collecting basic data. The basic data are the raw data from land surveys, and geohydrological and soil mechanics research.
  • The second stage involves the schematisation of the data and preparing them for calculations. Schematisation depends very much on the question. In addition, the more information there is, the more precise the schematisation.
  • The third stage consists of the calculations.
  • The final stage involves analysing the results of the calculations so that the results can be visualised and communicated.
DAM Artist Impression (Dike strength Analysis Module)

The strength of DAM:

  • structuring of basic data for a large number of different applications;
  • schematisation in accordance with Guidelines;
  • calculation of dike strength using the known software (such as D-Geo Stability);
  • access to results with GIS maps;
  • insight into calculation details.

Technical specifications

You can find the system requirements of DAM (Dike strength Analysis Module) in the download portal.

Download latest version

The latest version of DAM (19.1) is available for download.

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