Software and data products

On this page you will find an overview of our software and data products.


  • Geo-engineering and water defences 
  • Hydrodynamics and morphology
  • Water quality and ecology
  • Hydrology
  • Operational systems 
5 products found
  1. HydroMT – Model Building and analysis

    Modellers have always struggled with a lack of local data to build models, whilst using global datasets can be difficult and time consuming. Furthermore the complexities of combining local and global datasets pose additional hurdles. HydroMT offers a fast and reproducible solution to overcome these obstacles, providing modellers with an efficient…
  2. RIBASIM – River Basin Planning and Management

    Decision makers need to balance the supply and demand of water in complex situations at the river basin scale and under increasing pressure from climate change. RIBASIM provides a free software tool to visualize, evaluate and prioritize water allocation strategies based on their impact. This provides insights to decision makers, enabling them to…
  3. RTC-Tools - Control and optimisation

    Operators make decisions every day on how to best manage their water systems. Given the uncertainty of weather forecasts and catchment response to rainfall, this is a challenging task. Competing water management goals make it even more complicated. RTC Tools was developed to support this decision-making process. As an open-source modelling…
  4. iMOD – Groundwater modelling

    Groundwater accounts for approximately 99% of our freshwater reserves and provides a significant quantity of our daily water supplies. So understanding where it is and in what quantities and quality is of growing importance. Modellers need to be able to simulate their groundwater systems, and predict the impact of future climate change and…
  5. wflow - Catchment Hydrology

    Water managers need insight into the available water resources within their catchments in both the short and long-term, especially in the face of climate change. Whilst at the same time struggling with a lack of reliable data. Wflow enables users to simulate all catchment hydrological processes even in data scarce environments. Thus empowering…