Morphological impact of coastal developments
Coastal areas are under increasing pressure from rising sea levels and human activities, leading to erosion, flooding, habitat loss, and infrastructure risks. Sustainable coastal zone management is essential to protect these ecosystems and communities. Deltares supports governments, project developers, contractors and other stakeholders that develop coastal areas to understand the potential morphological impacts and optimisation of adaptation measures in the coastal environment.

Integral knowledge to address morphological impact
Deltares has a decadal track-record in carrying out coastal impact studies to assess the impacts of coastal developments and structures, such as for breakwaters, land reclamations, dredging activities, power and desalination plants and beach nourishments. The implementation of these assets is important to protect communities, to support economic activities, to preserve ecosystems and to build resilience to climate change. We carry out impact assessments to understand what the potential effect is of a proposed project on existing and potential future functions of the coast.
We have expertise in the field of coastal hydrodynamics, waves, morphology and shoreline dynamics to identify these effects during several stages of the design process. Advanced numerical software packages such as Delft3D-FM and state-of-the-art data analysis techniques are used to understand the existing situation of a coastal area and the effects of coastal infrastructure on the environment. We can help our clients and partners in an integral manner and provide key input to Environmental Impact Assessments and several stages of the design process.
The future of impact assessments

Deltares has carried out coastal impact assessments for decades and will continue in doing so as it is an essential step in the development of our coastal areas. Deltares remains alert in identifying how we can stay on top of ongoing global trends and services, such as the growing volume of global satellite imagery, Artificial Intelligence, and novel modelling techniques. These trends are close monitored and embraced to keep improving the quality of our products and services.
Deltares is actively working on its capabilities through R&D, to use remote sensing to understand the existing situation and historic evolution of coastal areas. Satellite imagery contains a wealth of information and requires investing in the development of analysis techniques to derive specific information needed to feed coastal impact studies.
We are able to visualise and understand the historic evolution of a coastline anywhere around the world since the 1980’s up to now. This allows us to understand in detail how a certain coastline has developed and link this to historic natural events and/or human interventions. With this knowledge, we enhance our system understanding of the coastline allowing us to identify and assess the most effective mitigation options.
We invite you to contact us in case you are interested in our coastal impact assessments. We can discuss an approach that fits the needs of you envisaged coastal development.