About Lynyrd de Wit
Lynyrd is dedicated to enlarging our understanding of the complex interactions between turbulent flow and sediment by model development and experiments. His projects focus on dredging plumes, improving dredging processes and predicting scour to make developments like offshore wind and port and waterway dredging possible. This is necessary for future proof infrastructure and the energy transition.
He finished a part-time PhD study on dredge plumes cum laude in less manhours compared to a full-time PhD track. He is focussed on delivering usable results and is down to earth . In addition to his work at Deltares, Lynyrd de Wit serves on the board of CEDA-NL
3D CFD LES process-based scour simulations with morphological acceleration (2023)
11th International Conference on Scour and Erosion, Copenhagen, 2023
Wit L. de, Broekema, Y., Plenker, D3D CFD modelling of barge filling and overflow dredging plume to determine the far-field source term (2022)
23th World Dredging Conference WODCON XXIII, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2022
de Wit, L., van Weerdenburg, R., van der Biezen, T., Mosca, C. A.Advances in Maintenance of Ports and Waterways: Water Injection Dredging (2021)
Kirichek, A., Cronin, K., de Wit, L., van Kessel, T.Assessing and Evaluating Environmental Turbidity Limits for Dredging (2020)
Bollen, M., Bundgaard, K., Claeys, S., de Cubber, J., et al., Wit, L. de.Efficiency of hanging silt screens in crossflow (2016)
Radermacher, M., Wit, L. de, Winterwerp, J.C., Uijttewaal, W.S.J.3D CFD simulations of trailing suction hopper dredger plume mixing: a parameter study of near field conditions influencing the suspended sediment source flux (2014)
de Wit, L., Talmon, A.M., van Rhee, C.3D CFD simulations of trailing suction hopper dredger plume mixing: comparison with field measurements (2014)
de Wit, L., Talmon, A.M., van Rhee, C.
Abiotic Effects of Dredging and Sediment Dispersion in the Wadden Sea: Preparatory Study for the Development of the Second Natura 2000 Management Plan for the Wadden Sea
The project named GELINPORTS (DEL 137) involves research into the use of gel barriers as an innovative method for managing sedimentation in the Port of Rotterdam. The project is conducted in collaboration with TU Delft, Rijkswaterstaat, the Port of Rotterdam Authority, and Deltares.
The PRISMA II project (DEL126) focuses on innovative methods for more sustainable and efficient port maintenance.
Scour simulations for different offshore wind farms