
On this page you will find an overview of current projects being carried out by Deltares.


  • Health water, soil
  • Energy transition
  • Future proof infrastructure
  • Floods
  • Water supply
  • Drought
  • Subsidence
  • Resilient cities
  • Sea level rise


  • Asia
  • Europe
  • Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Africa
  • United States and Canada
  • Oceania
  • Middle East and the Gulf Region
178 projects found
  1. TEEB case Flood risk management: what is the value of natural solutions?

    Scientific programmes like TEEB (the Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity) have developed large amounts of knowledge about the value of ecosystems and the ecosystem services they deliver to people. This knowledge can help us to understand the added value of natural (nature-based) solutions for challenges facing society, such as flood…
  2. Neptune OMS for Singapore Coastal Quality

    Singapore is one of the most densely populated countries in the world, and it has a sizeable coastal environment despite its small land area (710 km2). Singapore’s coastal waters are heavily utilised for recreational activities, port and shipping activities, maritime and petroleum industries and fisheries and aquaculture. The management of water…
    Health water, soil
  3. Green infrastructure reduces rain problems in Beira

    In this project, we want to tackle one of the most urgent water challenges in Beira: the annual flooding of residential areas due to extremely intense rainfall. There is no space in these areas for large retention basins (which are classified as 'grey infrastructure') and so there is an urgent need for alternative solutions. We are trying to make…
  4. The Water Framework Directive Explorer

    The Water Framework Directive (WFD) is one of the most important policy directives in Europe for the improvement of water quality and ecology. Water management authorities such as ministries and regional water authorities must propose measures to improve the ecological status of water bodies and evaluate which measures will be the most effective.…
    Health water, soil
  5. Deltaplan Bangladesh

    The Bangladesh delta has more than 50 rivers and a vulnerable coastal area, and it is susceptible to flooding. Furthermore, the country faces major water-quality problems. It is going through a period of rapid economic growth, making a long-term vision for water management increasingly urgent. Deltares teamed up with Bangladeshi colleagues and…
  6. Sustainable Development and Management of the Shallow Subsurface

    Humankind has always been more interested in its visible surroundings, as landscape, air and water, rather than in the subsurface. In general we don’t think about the subsurface, let alone the processes that govern it and how these may determine our lives. This lack of awareness points to a major knowledge gap and has hampered major development…
  7. Guideline Stresstest Urban Areas

    In many cities around the world climate change leads to more frequent and more intensive rainstorms, more frequent and prolonged episodes of drought and water shortages, more heat stress, sea level rise and, indirectly, water quality problems and land subsidence. Living conditions, public health and economic activities will be jeopardized more…
  8. Smart dike reinforcement using smooth block revetments

    Dozens of kilometres of dike are strengthened every year in the Netherlands. In collaboration with Rijkswaterstaat, the water management authorities and commercial parties, Deltares is looking at whether smooth block revetments are a smart solution.
  9. National Coastal Strategy, adaptive growth

    The National Coastal Strategy presents the ‘adaptive principle’. Allowing flood defences to rise in an integrated way in line with the sea level, we will ensure that we have a safe, economically strong and appealing coast. At many places along our coast, other developments play a role alongside safety. For example, spatial planning is often…
    Sea level rise
  10. Deltaprogramme and the Adaptive Delta Management approach

    The Netherlands is the best protected delta in the world. But how can we ensure that we remain protected from high water, and that our supply of freshwater is secure? The Delta Programme is aimed at maintaining the Netherlands as a safe and attractive country, today and in the future. Through the Delta Programme the Dutch cabinet seeks to ensure…