Reliable track now and in the future
The number of passengers and the amount of freight transported by rail is growing and approaching its limits. Railroad safety and continuity are crucial. To avoid serious bottlenecks in the future and keep the rail network operational, in addition to maintenance of the existing railroads, miles of track expansion and innovations are needed.

In-depth knowledge as a basis
Deltares helps governments, managers, asset managers, rail infrastructure builders and other rail industry stakeholders to keep rail transport future-proof, reliable, safe and efficient. We advise, support and provide research and applications for major infrastructure issues and in different phases of railroad projects. In doing so, we like to draw on the excellent knowledge of our smart colleagues, our global expertise and state-of-the-art research facilities and innovative technology. We can also build on sustainable collaborations with industry partners and stakeholders.
Behavior of subsurface and groundwater crucial
Infrastructure managers and builders have to deal with weak subsoil, settlement and high groundwater levels, especially in delta areas. Subsoil and groundwater are closely linked. The behavior of soil and groundwater is uncertain and a major cause of maintenance failure of infrastructure. Deltares has the tools and methodologies as well as in-depth knowledge of the behavior of soil and groundwater. This is necessary for sound advice and appropriate solutions.
In addition to the tools and methodologies, Deltares also has the in-depth knowledge of soil and groundwater that is needed for sound advice on a sustainable and resilient rail system
Joris van Ruijven, Expert Transport and Infrastructure
Impact of climate change on infrastructure
In large parts of the world, climate change is having a negative impact on infrastructure. Railroads are also vulnerable to extreme weather events such as heat waves, floods, extreme precipitation. Hazards such as earthquakes and landslides also pose a threat. Clients want to know what this means for the costs, availability and reliability of infrastructure projects. Deltares provides research and applications for these issues. We take important insights from Deltares' many scientific studies and research on infrastructure and railroads.
Where does Deltares offer research and applications
- Deltares knows how infrastructure behaves on weak soil. Specific attention is paid to settlements, vibrations, transition structures and structural stability.
- Deltares knows the geotechnical risks involved in rail construction and management and we can translate them into project-specific risks, such as costs and construction time.
- There is a lot of knowledge within Deltares about the impact of climate change on infrastructure networks and we can determine how resilient the rail system is and which measures are effective in infrastructure projects.
- Deltares has the knowledge on how to make use of natural processes in ground and groundwater in infrastructure projects. This makes it possible to build and manage infrastructure with the least possible impact on the environment
Working together and combining knowledge
We work closely with other knowledge partners, governments and industry stakeholders to share knowledge and provide solutions. We connect practical knowledge and experience with our expertise, technology and facilities. In this way, we contribute to a future-proof railroad network with both fundamental and applied research.
An example of such collaboration is RESET. A research program on the behavior of moving trains on railroad embankments. This is a collaboration between Deltares, ProRail and TU Delft. This research will reduce failures and higher maintenance costs and contribute to sustainable and safer train transportation. With this research we are gathering knowledge that is unique worldwide, because this knowledge of the subsurface in combination with track stability does not yet exist. Read more about this research in our Deltalife Magazine.
More information
Future-resilient ports and waterways
Underground constructions
Underground infrastructure essential
Quay walls: smart and future-proof
Delta region well protected and habitable with Nature-based Solutions
Critical infrastructure resilience
Hydraulic structures resilient and safe for future generations
Climate resilient roads
Future-proof infrastructure