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With the free smartphone app, it is possible to easily collect measurements of salt and nutrient (nitrate, ammonium, phosphate) concentrations in water and nitrogen levels in soil yourself. Users also have the option in the app to make data public or share it in a protected group. Early users are farmers, agricultural advisers and water authorities. But the app has also been used for education purposes, citizen science and nature conservation.

The app is used in the Netherlands the United States, France, Sweden, Denmark, United Kingdom and Belgium.

The Aquality App helps users improve water quality in their own environment. With their own measurements, farmers can monitor salt concentrations around their farms and identify hotspots of nutrient losses. This fits well with the drive towards a more area-specific approach to solve water quality problems.

Deltares will also continue to develop and improve the App in future updates.

We find it important that you can see at plot level whether measures are needed, but also which measure can help. Especially in wet periods, like now, a lot of nutrients flow off, which, besides being bad for the water quality, is also a waste of money. It’s a win-win if you manage to reduce that. The same goes for timely detection of rising salt concentrations in coastal areas in periods of drought.

Joachim Rozemeijer

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