
On this page you will find an overview of current projects being carried out by Deltares.


  • Health water, soil
  • Energy transition
  • Future proof infrastructure
  • Floods
  • Water supply
  • Drought
  • Subsidence
  • Resilient cities
  • Sea level rise


  • Asia
  • Europe
  • Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Africa
  • United States and Canada
  • Oceania
  • Middle East and the Gulf Region
178 projects found
  1. New design for making residential areas gas-free generates carbon savings

    A residential area in Haarlem dating from the 1930s is planning to test a new design with locally-generated solar heat, heat pumps, and an aquifer thermal energy system (ATES) in the subsurface. If the trial succeeds, this approach could be a good way of making older homes more sustainable and disconnecting them from the gas mains. The design…
    Energy transition
  2. Implementation of land and soil-related SDG's

    In 2015 the United Nations adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); a set of 17 goals aimed to be the roadmap for society to move from exploitation to sustainable use of our planets resources and from inequality, poverty and hunger to a proper education and good life for all. The EU has committed to implement the SDGs both in its…
    Health water, soil
  3. SOILS4EU, importance of soils for societal challenges in Europe

    In Europe, different Member States manage their soil and land in different ways. This is partly because there is no legal European framework for soils. In SOILS4EU we work together to raise awareness and provide insight how soil can contribute to social challenges and what the positive effects are of unsustainable land use.
    Health water, soil
  4. Joint model for tackling groundwater pollution in the port and city of Rotterdam

    To facilitate the megasite approach to pollution in the port of Rotterdam, Deltares has built a large-scale groundwater model called CARROT (Coordinated Approach Remediation ROTterdam) over the past fifteen years.
    Health water, soil
  5. Business Continuity Planning for industrial zones

    Many industrial zones in the world are susceptible to the impact of the weather and other natural events. Problems with the availability of gas, electricity, ICT, water, sewage and road transportation - 'lifeline utilities' - are a crucial factor. With climate change, the probability of lifeline-utility failure is likely to rise significantly.
  6. Effects of surface water thermal energy for Rijksvastgoedbedrijf

    Rijkswaterstaat wants to focus more on obtaining heat from surface water as a source of energy for heating and cooling buildings. This technology involves returning cold water to the surface water. The water temperature is changed and there is a possible impact on water quality. To prevent negative effects, Deltares worked with Techniplan to…
    Energy transition
  7. Hoog Dalem Trial proves that residential areas can manage easily without gas

    A new energy system without a connection to the gas mains has been installed in approximately 230 houses in the Hoog Dalem district in Gorinchem, the Netherlands. The all-electric district is the only one in the Netherlands where houses are heated in winter with heat obtained from nearby ditches in summer.
    Energy transition
  8. Subsurface energy systems in closer proximity

    How is it possible to install more subsurface energy systems closer together in a context of permits and differing interests? And what regulations are needed for areas where 'crowding' is not yet an issue?
    Energy transition
  9. CRYSTAL clear energy storage

    In the years to come, the number of Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) systems in cities will increase sharply. In very built-up areas, these systems can affect each other. There is still little coordination of ATES systems and the adopted remedy has been to maintain large distances between them. ATES managers are concerned that neighbouring…
    Energy transition
  10. Europe wide use of soil energy ATES

    Our soils can provide sustainable energy. Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) is a smart way to re-use heat and cold in buildings and it is widely recognised as promising technology for sustainable energy. Global demand for heating and cooling in the built environment accounts for about 40% of total primary energy consumption. ATES is a simple…
  11. European Coastal Storm Surge for Copernicus Climate Change Services

    Under Copernicus Climate Change Services contract C3S-422-Lot2-Deltares, a consortium led by Deltares develops a consistent and unique European dataset for tide, storm surge and wave conditions. The dataset will consist of a historical reanalysis based on ERA5, and climate projections including sea level rise based on IPCC RCP 4.5 (stabilization…
  12. Added Value of Joint Action, a workshop methodology

    Looking for ways to help stakeholders understand the benefits of multifunctional approaches and joint action? And make the next step towards cooperation? The workshop methodology ‘Added Value of Joint Action’ is developed to help you with this. In a structured and step-wise approach stakeholders find out what they can achieve alone and in…