
On this page you will find an overview of current projects being carried out by Deltares.


  • Health water, soil
  • Energy transition
  • Future proof infrastructure
  • Floods
  • Water supply
  • Drought
  • Subsidence
  • Resilient cities
  • Sea level rise


  • Asia
  • Europe
  • Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Africa
  • United States and Canada
  • Oceania
  • Middle East and the Gulf Region
178 projects found
  1. Save energy with smart pumping

    After the sewage treatment plants, pumping stations are the highest consumers of energy for water authorities. It is estimated that the ‘Smart Pumping’ could cut energy consumption by 20 percent and so allow water authorities to play a role in the energy transition.
    Energy transition
  2. Deltares updates the scour protection design for the Borssele Alpha & Beta substations

    Deltares has worked with HSM Offshore on the updating of the scour protection design for the Borssele Alpha & Beta offshore high-voltage substation (OHVS) platforms that connect the wind farms in the Borssele Wind Farm Zone (Netherlands) to the grid.
    Energy transition
  3. Strengthening the capacities for effective implementation of the EU acquis in the field of water quality

    Sharing experience and knowledge on the different aspects of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and other related EU acquis. That is the aim of the Twinning project in which Macedonia, Austria, Lithuania and the Netherlands are cooperating.
    Health water, soil
  4. Case study Manila, Philippines

    In this study a Delft-FEWS based forecasting system was developed to address impact based early warning for Manila Bay, Philippines. The current implementation focusses on cyclone events. The forecasting chain combines global forecasted data on storm surges, a local Delft3D FM hydrodynamic model of the bay and the hinterland and the Delft-FIAT…
  5. Case study Dumfries, Scotland

    The focus of this project is on developing timely flood maps and impact information to support emergency responders. For this project, the catchment of the River Nith to Dumfries is being used as a pilot study. The tools and techniques have been gathered into a new framework for real-time risk/impact forecasting, referred to as FEWS-Risk.
  6. EartH2Observe, a complete insight in local and global water availability

    The EU FP7 project EartH2Observe that started in January 2014 has ended December 2017. The project is coordinated by Deltares and has made a huge step forward in the field of integrating and combining available earth observations from different satellite missions, in-situ datasets from various sources and the latest global hydrological and land…
    Water supply
  7. MSFD-Eutro

    A demonstration of the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) for Region European North-West Shelf Seas and Area of benefit Coastal and Marine Environment – Water quality.
  8. Collaborative modelling in the Philippines, Tacloban

    Although the Philippines are endowed with plentiful water resources, the state is often described as a paradox of abundance and scarcity. Moreover, this situation is set to worsen with projections revealing that, with a low economic growth scenario, water shortages will occur in most regions. The government of the Philippines is therefore…
  9. Dar Es Salaam: Participatory modelling of floods using community mapped OpenStreetMap data

    The OpenStreetMap platform offers a user-friendly and open database to digitize mapped data. It enables any community member able to handle a computer to map the city, and as a consequence, community mapping efforts are increasing.
  10. Innovative technologies for enhancing Dam Safety and Water Management in India

    Multi-purpose water reservoirs and dams play a major role for water supply, irrigation and flood protection in India. In order to ensure long-term operation and safety of the dams, adaptation planning, maintenance, repair and retrofitting are needed. DAMSAFE is a demonstration project sponsored by the Dutch Partners for Water program and supports…
  11. Water availability in second phase of Delta Programme

    The Netherlands is facing major challenges associated with climate change. Sea levels are rising and our rivers need to discharge more water. At the same time, the climate is getting warmer and drier. That has a major impact on freshwater allocation. In addition, the water system is changing due to interventions by third parties, examples being…
    Water supply
  12. Ocean modelling and Early-Warning System for the Gulf of Thailand

    Storm surges associated with severe tropical cyclones are among the most hazardous and damaging natural disasters to coastal areas. The Gulf of Thailand (GoT) has been periodically affected by typhoon induced storm surges in the past (e.g. storm Harriet in 1962, storm Gay in 1989 and storm Linda in 1997). Due to increased touristic / economic…