New study explores the future of ‘living with water’
A new study by Deltares sheds light on the role of ‘living with water’ (in Dutch: Meebewegen) as a strategy for climate adaptation in the Netherlands. Although we are known worldwide for our advanced flood defences, we will be increasingly confronted with the challenges of sea level rise, extreme rainfall and water shortages. This study examines the views of different experts about the feasibility and desirability of the ‘living with water’ strategy in Dutch water management in the future. The results of the study were presented this week in the journal Environmental Research: Climate.

Four perspectives
The study was conducted by Carolien Kraan (Deltares), Marjolijn Haasnoot (Deltares, University of Utrecht) and Katharine Mach (University of Miami) and is based on 43 in-depth interviews with experts from academia, government and industry. The respondents rated the probability of implementing a range of living with water strategies such as climate-resilient construction, changes in land use and managed retreat. In addition, the researchers reviewed the main obstacles and opportunities, and identified four perspectives on the future of water management — from dependence on dikes and dams to a proactive use of living with water.
These four perspectives differ from each other in terms of how much of flood risk management will continue to rely on engineering measures versus living-with-water approaches (horizontal axis) and the degree to which living with water is considered socio-politically preferable (vertical axis). This results in four quadrants of perspectives: Deeper polder (12 experts), Adapt behind dikes (17 experts), Last resort (6 experts), and The Waterlands (6 experts).

Carolien Kraan (lead author and climate adaptation expert at Deltares): “The interviews revealed that the question is not whether we are going to use living-with-water strategies to adapt to climate change, but how and when we are going to do so. Experts’ views differ about the scale on which that will eventually happen, but there are also areas of agreement that could represent opportunities for initial steps and no-regret measures.”
The study shows that there is considerable debate about how and when experts expect us to implement the meebewegen strategy in the Netherlands, although everyone acknowledges that the strategy — which is also referred to as Accommodate-Retreat — will be necessary on some scale. Climate-resilient construction and adaptive land use are widely accepted. However, managed retreat remains a sensitive issue. The study also highlights the importance of political leadership, long-term planning and public perceptions for determining adaptation strategies.
The interviews revealed that the question is not whether we are going to use living-with-water strategies to adapt to climate change, but how and when we are going to do so
Carolien Kraan, leading author
The four perspectives highlight different adaptation pathways within the full solution space, with increased line thickness indicating more likely pathways. The solution space consists of four strategies: Advance (yellow), Protect-closed (dark green), Protect-open (light green), and Accommodate-retreat (blue). Living with water is most aligned with the Accommodate-retreat pathway.
The researchers emphasise that meebewegen is not a choice between protection and retreat but a flexible strategy that can complement existing flood defences. Their findings provide policymakers, planners and communities worldwide with valuable insights: a gradual implementation of meebewegen can help to mitigate climate risks and contribute to broader societal goals such as biodiversity and sustainable urban development.
Marjolijn Haasnoot (climate adaptation expert Deltares): “This comprehensive study provides ideas for further steps with adaptation in which land use is adapted to current and future water conditions.”