Lijst van EU gefinancierde onderzoeks- en ontwikkelingsprojecten
Deltares neemt deel in een groot aantal lopende door de EU gefinancierde onderzoeks- en ontwikkelingsprojecten. Enkele voorbeelden:
- CoCliCo (COASTAL CLIMATE CORE SERVICES) (2021-2025; WP leader)
- C-SCALE (Copernicus – eoSC AnaLytics Engine) (2021-2023; WP leader
- DOORS (Developing Optimal and Open Research Support for the Black Sea) (2021-2025; WP leader)
- FORCOAST (Earth Observation Services for Fishery, Bivalves Mariculture and Oysterground Restoration along European Coasts) (2019-2022; Coordinator)
- GEOLAB (GEOLAB, enhancing Europe’s Critical Infrastructure) (2021-2025; Coordinator)
- IN2ZONE (The Next Generation of Railway Transition Zones) (2020-2023; WP leader)
- MAELSTROM (Smart technology for MArinE Litter SusTainable RemOval and Management) (2021-2024; WP leader)
- MEDITERRANEAN SEA (2017-2021; WP leader)
- MERLIN (Mainstreaming Ecological Restoration of freshwater-related ecosystems in a Landscape context: INnovation, upscaling and transformation) (2021-2024; WP leader)
- MYRIAD-EU (Multi-hazard and sYstemic framework for enhancing Risk-Informed mAnagement and Decisionmaking in the E.U.) (2021-2025; WP leader)
- PROMISCES (Preventing Recalcitrant Organic Mobile Industrial chemicalS for Circular Economy in the Soil-sediment-water system) (2021-2024; WP leader)
- REACHOUT (Resilience In Europe Through Activating City Hubs Reaching Out To Users With Triple-A Climate Adaptation Tools) (2021-2025; Coordinator)
- RECEIPT (REmote Climate Effects and their Impact on European sustainability, Policy and Trade) (2019-2023; Coordinator)
- REST-COAST (Large scale RESToration of COASTal ecosystems through rivers to sea connectivity) (2021-2026; WP leader)
- SMS (Soil Mission Support)(2020-2022; WP leader
- UNITED (Multi-Use offshore platforms demoNstrators for boostIng cost-effecTive and Eco-friendly proDuction in sustainable marine activities) (2020-2023; Coordinator)