Activity Plan 2024 SITO Institute Subsidy
Publicatie type | Rapport Deltares
This 2024 SITO Institute Subsidy Activity Plan sketches the outline of the mission-driven Strategic Research that Deltares will conduct in 2024 with the SITO institute subsidy. It outlines how the Deltares Strategic Research aim to contribute to designing innovative and sustainable solutions for the complex and urgent challenges facing society. These challenges are more urgent than ever and are addressed in international and national agendas and missions. Deltares has adopted these agendas and missions as the basis for our programming to make a positive impact on society. To focus our research activities, we have grouped the missions and agendas into five moonshots providing the direction for all of our research activities. In these moonshots we address the challenges related to climate change adaption, extreme weather events, healthy water and subsurface, biodiversity loss, energy transition, climate neutral deltas and resilient infrastructure through a mission-driven approach, by co-creating and co-developing software, data tools and solutions with stakeholders and research partners to achieve societal impact based on scientific quality.