D-FAST morphological impact : evaluation in the Rhine-Meuse estuary - progress report
Auteur(s) |
W. Ottevanger
A.M. van den Hoek
H.R.A. Jagers
Publicatie type | Rapport Deltares
Within the SIMONA suite, WAQMORF is used for estimating long term equilibrium sedimentation in the main channel (cf. Sieben, 2010; Mosselman, 2013) for local measures with a length of at most 4 km. Jagers (2020) generated a first sixth generation version of WAQMORF rebranding it to D-FAST Morphological Impact (also D-FAST MI), a rapid assessment tool for morphological impact. Jagers and Giri (2022) generated a first approach of D-FAST MI to tidal conditions and Giri and Jagers (2022) did a first analysis for a channel based on the Rhine-Meuse estuary.