Eindevaluatie pilot Langsdammen in de Waal : Delft3D simulations
Auteur(s) |
A.J. Paalberg
A.Y.A. Omer
M.F.M. Yossef
Publicatie type | Rapport Deltares
This report is part of the project “Final Evaluation Pilot Longitudinal Training Walls” (Work Package 1, WP1). It concerns numerical simulations with a state-of-the-art Delft3D-model covering the Waal between Nijmegen and Zaltbommel. The impact of the Longitudinal Training Walls (LTW’s) on the river (water levels, flow velocities, morphology, etc.) depends on the geometry and properties of the LTW’s, the bank channels behind them and geometry of the openings. The discharge distribution between the main channel and the bank channel is mainly controlled by the geometry of intake sills at the upstream side of each LTW. Therefore, numerical simulations are performed with a broad range of hydrodynamic conditions and design variants of the LTW’s, openings and bank channel. The results of the simulations are used within the other work packages of the overall project to carry out various analyses.