Hydrodynamics and bedforms on the Dutch lower shoreface : analysis of ADCP, ADV, and SONAR observations
Auteur(s) |
R.A. Schrijvershof
L. Brakenhoff
B.T. Grasmeijer
Publicatie type | Rapport Deltares
This report focusses on the characteristics and temporal and spatial variability of currents and bedforms observed during the Coastal Genesis 2.0 (Kustgenese 2.0, KG2) field campaigns 2017-2018. The report aims to enhance our understanding of the lower shoreface morphodynamics and, with that, contribute to the first main KG2 research question. The study builds on, and is an extension of, previous work carried out within KG2 of Leummens (2018) and Treurniet (2018), and within SEAWAD of Brakenhoff et al. (2019a) and Brakenhoff et al. (2019b). The objective of this report is to give a detailed analysis of the spatial and temporal variability of wave-induced near-bed orbital motion, residual (non-tide driven) currents, and small-scale bedforms on the Dutch lower shoreface.