Kustgenese-2 'diepe vooroever' : core analysis Noordwijk, Terschelling, Amelander Inlet
Auteur(s) |
A.P. Oost
A. Forzoni
A.J.F. van der Spek
T. Vermaas
Publicatie type | Rapport Deltares
This report is part of the Kustgenese-2 programme “Diepere Vooroever”, which focuses on understanding the morphodynamics and sedimentology of the Dutch lower shoreface in order to sustainably manage the Dutch coastal system and keeping the coast safe. The goal of this research project is gaining insight into the sedimentary built-up of the coast and which processes determine the exchange of sediment between the upper shoreface and the lower shoreface. To this end, sediment cores (vibrocores and box cores) were collected in three different areas of the Dutch lower shoreface: Noordwijk, Terschelling and Amelander Inlet in 2017 and 2018. The lower shoreface (here taken to be between -6 and -20m) predominantly exists of older Holocene deposits. We interpreted the sediments in terms of facies/depositional environment:
lower shoreface deposits, tidal channel deposits, ebb-shield deposits and fluvial deposits.